Granddad’s possessions is a photography project inspired when my grandfather died.  According to his will, all of his belongings had to be shared among his children. It amazed me some of the things I found among his possessions. I found really old things, tools for communication, entertainment, and general living, used before evolution in technology rolled them over.

What were the leftover utilities of our ancestors? Are there any memories left of their lives? The music they danced, the houses they lived, the hopes they had, the stories they told. When we (the present) are old and depart earth, will our predecessors find same of us?

Granddad’s possessions is a documentary project that seeks to explore the relationship between the past, the present and the future, by placing in juxtaposition, children (signifying future) and really old things used in the 60s, 70s and earlier years (signifying the past).All pictures in the series are shot in black and white to retain the richness of past, yet glorify and encourage the customs and heritage culture among Africans in connection with the future.